Dorrie Y. Aldrich
Consultant, Facilitator, & Executive Coach
Dorrie Y. Aldrich is an independent management consultant with a practice in the areas of executive leadership; executive coaching; management consultation; and organizational development/ transformation. She is an executive coach at the Administrative Offices of the U.S. Courts. Dorrie is an adjunct faculty member with: the Federal Executive Institute in Charlottesville, Virginia; George Washington University's Center for Excellence in Public Leadership; and, the Graduate School, USDA. She is a training consultant at the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Dorrie holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration/ Marketing from The American University in Washington, DC and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a minor in Economics from Howard University in Washington, DC.
Dorrie is a retired Senior Executive, having worked as an Associate Director in the Office of the Secretary, Office of Human Resources, DOT, leading the Department’s Strategic Human Capital Initiatives related to workforce planning, competency assessments, workforce development, diversity, knowledge management and succession planning for this 56,000 employee agency. Prior to that Dorrie served as an Executive in Residence at the Federal Executive Institute, U.S. Office of Personnel Management, on a two-year assignment from DOT, Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Dorrie was a facilitator for the Leadership for a Democratic Society Program for over 100 executives.
While employed at the FTA Dorrie served as the Associate Administrator for Administration. In this capacity, she provided nationwide administrative services to include human resource management, information technology (served as the Chief Information Officer), procurement and third-party contracting (served as the head Contracting Authority), facilities and management planning and the execution of the administrative budget for this 500 person agency. She also served as her agency’s representative to the Transportation Executive Leadership Institute Advisory Board. Dorrie joined the FTA as its Training Officer and also served as the Deputy Associate Administrator for Administration. Her Federal service has included working in the areas of human resource management, executive resources, and career development and training with the Internal Revenue Service, the General Services Administration and the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. Dorrie has private sector and consulting experience in the areas of executive leadership training and facilitation, career development and training, organization development, interaction management and strategic planning and visioning.
Dorrie retired as a Distinguished DOT Senior Executive having also received the Presidential Rank Award of Meritorious Executive.
Dorrie is a member of Mt. Olivet Lutheran Church in Washington, DC and has served as an Elder; lay homilist; and, President of the Candace Ladies Society. She also served as Vice President for Human Care for the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, Chesapeake District.